Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority (PRHFA)

Issuer Overview
Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority (PRHFA)

Issuer Type: Housing


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Issuer Overview
Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority (PRHFA)

Issuer Type: Housing


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

Pic_Blanca Fernandez - PRHFA Executive Director-cropped.webp

On behalf of the Puerto Rico Housing Financing Authority (HFA), we welcome you to our investor relations website. In this website, you will find the information related to the HFA bonds, as well as information regarding the organization, its goals and legal authority. 

We hope you find this website useful. Please, do not hesitate to contact us shall you have any questions regarding our bonds or our other programs. We are more than willing to discuss future investment opportunities available in Puerto Rico.

Blanca Fernández, Executive Director