The Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority was established pursuant to Chapter 6 of the Puerto Rico Emergency Moratorium and Financial Rehabilitation Act, Act 21-2016, as an independent public corporation and governmental instrumentality with separate legal existence, fiscal and administrative autonomy, and independence from the Commonwealth.
The Authority was created for the purpose of acting as fiscal agent, financial advisor and reporting agent of the Government of Puerto Rico, its agencies, instrumentalities, subdivisions, public corporations and/or municipalities, and to assist such entities in confronting the grave fiscal and economic emergency that Puerto Rico is currently experiencing. The Authority has assumed the majority of the fiscal agency and financial advisory responsibilities that were previously held by the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico.
During the last 7 years, Puerto Rico has not only been recovering from several natural disasters, but we have been also tackling debt restructurings, implementing structural reforms, and instituting a culture of fiscal responsibility and transparency across the government for the best interests of all our stakeholders. In such regard, we proudly launch this new Investors Relations site, through which we will maintain a continuous dialogue with our investors and the general public for the good of Puerto Rico.
Francisco J. Domenech, Esq,
Governor’s Chief of Staff and Executive Director of AAFAF