View links to related sites and other resources for Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority.

AAFAF Homepage

AAFAF Official Website
Here is the link to the AAFAF official website.


InvestPR works to elevate Puerto Rico as a world-class business destination. The organization is a public-private partnership created by law and incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit. It is governed by an eleven-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico and is comprised of three public sector representatives and eight private sector representatives. Their mission is to promote Puerto Rico as a competitive investment jurisdiction to attract new business and capital investment to the island. Their vision is to be a transformational and results-oriented accelerator of economic development in Puerto Rico. Please click the link to explore the InvestPR website.


Puerto Rico has experienced historic and unprecedented disasters since 2017. The impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, as well as a magnitude 6.4 earthquake (and its subsequent aftershocks), and the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020, has resulted in damage to the infrastructure, economy, and community. As the Island works to recover, the COR3 transparency portal provides a window into the progress along the path to recovery. Please click the link to explore the COR3 website.


P3 Projects
Please click the link to explore a list of priority projects 2022.