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April 2024PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
January 2024PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
October 2023PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
August 2023PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2023)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
April 2023PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for Third Quarter of FY2023)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
January 2023PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for First Half of FY2023)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
October 2022PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for First Quarter of FY2023)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
August 2022PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for FY2022)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
March 2022PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended March 31, 2022)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
January 2022PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for the Semester Ended December 31, 2021)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
October 2021PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for the Quarter Ended on September 30, 2021)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
August 2021PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended on June 30, 2021)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
April 2021PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for the Nine-month Period Ending on March 31, 2021)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
February 2021PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for the Six-month Period Ending on December 31, 2020)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
October 2020PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for the 1st Quarter of FY2021 Ended on September 30, 2020)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
July 2020PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
April 2020PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Report for Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
April 2020PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
October 2019PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
August 2019PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓
April 2019PRASA Reporting (Preliminary Financial Results for Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019)Quarterly Budget to Actual ReportsDownload ↓